Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hamsters - Small, Cute and Fuzzy!

Hamsters are great pets for children. I had several hamsters when I was child and can still remember their names (Fang and Teddy!). Hamsters are cute, cuddly little critters that don’t require a lot of care nor will they empty your wallet as they are relatively inexpensive to keep. Don’t get me wrong, you can spend a lot of money if you choose to go all out and purchase a top of the line hamster house or a lot of hamster toys and accessories! However, over all, the cost to keep and care for a hamster is minimal.

Hamsters love to eat fresh, raw vegetables; however, their main diet should consist of store bought hamster pellets. Most pet supply stores (or even places like Walmart) sell hamster food. Hamsters also love to chew! It is probably their favorite past-time…well, that and running on a wheel to no-where! Hamster chew sticks are also available at pet supply stores but twigs and bones are also good chewing options.

Hamsters prefer to live alone; however, two females from the SAME LITTER may be compatible house mates. It is important to keep your hamster’s home clean! An unclean hamster cage will (trust me on this) produce a very bad smell! Not to mention your hamster will not be very happy living in a dirty cage. You don’t want an unhappy hamster….do you?! There is good news on the smelly side of things, hamsters smell LESS than mice so if you are considering a small rodent as a pet, the hamster may be the perfect choice.

Unfortunately, hamsters cannot be trained to sit or fetch (now that would be something to see!) however, they will become calm and friendly once they are comfortable and familiar with their owner. However, I feel that it is my hamster duty to warn you that these furry little critters can be grumpy and will nip or bite when frightened or nervous. They also do NOT like to be woken from a sound sleep. Don’t say you weren’t warned…I didn’t name my hamster, FANG, for nothing!

Hamsters love to dig and crawl so it is important to keep your hamster’s home filled with fresh, clean shavings. Also, put some old rags into their cage as they will rip these up and use them to build a nest. Toilet paper and paper towel tubes are perfect toys for your hamster and cost nothing!

So there you have it, some basic hamster facts that may help you decide if the hamster is the right small pet for you. No matter what little critter you choose, keep in mind that all animals need the proper care and attention in order to be happy and healthy.

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